Thursday, March 24, 2011

A surprise for Miss Maguire....

So while we were working in the pit these past couple of days,we came across something that appears to be a fossil. It's the neatest thing. We are going to try to bring them home but I'll take pictures of them first in case they are taken at the airport.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Cleaning Our Clothes

This might appear like it is very easy to do, trust me it's not.

Coconut Necklace cont...

Did I mention I broke two blades doing this.  :(

Making Coconut Necklaces

YAY for Walnes for showing us how to make these.

Seriously Hard Core

Who needs full on work boots to get the job done right?  It's funny because the volunteers seem to more outfitted than the Haitian workers.  It's not really because of affordability but I think for the sheer preference of the way they like to work.

The chute for the workers to send concrete among other things to the "pit".  Yesterday I watched them send a pick axe down.  I watched in horror but thankfully no one got hurt.

Mr. Yacovelli and Miss Melissa bringing water up to make concrete.

This is how you get into the pit.  There are two very secured branches from a tree that are used for the handrails.  Haitians are very resourceful and use every last bit of their materials.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

On the way to Croix de Bouquets

Nature's Alarm Clock

A sound sleep seems to be no match for the cacophony of crowing from the local roosters. From all directions an echo of "cockadoodledoo" nudges us from our slumber, heralding a new day. It seems that soon after begin the sounds of daily Mass and construction work. It is an amazing way to greet the rising sun.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Tracking the moon from Haiti (for 7th grade science)

The moon is absolutely beautiful tonight!  It is a very full and round golden moon.  It's also very low, right above the trees.

When I performed the altitude test, I measured 4 and a half fists up from the starting position.

I am curious to see what the moon altitude is back home in NJ.


Our day went quite smoothly as far as getting everything in order, from picking up the rental car for the drive to the airport to packing the remaining things we needed to bring.

We arrived at the airport in Atlantic City ahead of schedule only to find out that our plane was delayed an hour and half.  We finally boarded our plane and headed to Fort Lauderdale.

We find ourselves back in the airport on 3 hours of sleep awaiting the flight to Haiti.  Again, we arrived here ahead of schedule only to find out the airport was closed so we stood in line for an hour.  But, don't get us wrong it wasn't bad at all, we were able to practice speaking Creole with another passenger who was Haitian.

Our flight is scheduled to depart at 5:30am.  Today is Election Day in Haiti.  It should be prove to be an historic day.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Almost There....

We are 10 days away from our trip to Haiti.  It looks like things will finally work out this time and will be meeting our soon to be new friends in Port Au Prince.  Last night we watched Anthony Bourdain on the Travel channel and seeing him over there and interacting with the community and Sean Penn made us eager to get there even sooner.

In other news....A recent donation helped pushed our collections so far over the $1000.00 mark.  We appreciate the continued support from all of you.

Check back soon because we plan on sharing our adventure with all of you.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

We have our new dates!!!!

We are excited to announce that we are scheduled to go to Haiti from March 20th to March 28th.  We are looking forward to making the trip and getting to work with the people we have come to know over the phone!

"For all whose lives ended a year ago today. Some did not die but became something else, something more than we were before." RT@Melindayiti

Tomorrow starts the new year in Haiti!!!!!